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D2X cumulusci-next


D2X muselab-d2x/d2x@cumulusci-next branch contains a set of precontribution enhancements to CumulusCI we've encountered the need for in our consulting engagements. The end goal is to get all of these contributed back to CumulusCI. But, for now, the cumulusci-next branch and Docker image tag of D2X provides the following additional CumulusCI features:

  • Scratch Org Snapshot Management (new)
  • Package Version Naming with templated Jinja2 expressions
  • Support for looking up 2gp feature test package commit statuses on parent branches
  • A simple plugin framework for CumulusCI
  • The ability to load arbitrary YAML

All these features are merged into muselab-d2x/CumulusCI@d2x

The documentation below should all be assumed to apply to the cumulusci-next branch, using the muselab-d2x/CumulusCI fork as CumulusCI's codebase for now. Eventually the goal is to migrate these into the main branch when they are released in CumulusCI.

Scratch Org Snapshot Management with D2X

D2X uses CumulusCI's create_snapshot and github_pull_request_snapshot tasks to automate the management of scratch org snapshots for the following uses cases:

  • Maintaining a persistent named snapshot of the project's current dependencies, deployed into an org shape for either unpackaged or packaged deploy/install
  • Maintaining a persistent named snapshot of the project's unpackaged code deployed into a non-namespaced scratch org for development
  • Maintaining a persistent named snapshot of the project's current release, fully configured with storytelling data, in an org
    • Optionally maintain release snapshots for beta/prerelease versions, N+n versions, and past versions
  • Maintain an temporary snapshot for the passing or failing build org state of a 2GP Feature Test build on a feature/ branch

For more background on the complexities of automating snapshot management for these use cases, check out Muselab's blog post: Develop, Test, and Fix Faster with Scratch Org Snapshots

The snapshots functionality was generously contributed by Veruna, a Salesforce ISV Partner as part of D2X Transformation Success engagement with Muselab.

Snapshotting Dependencies

Coming soon!

Snapshotting Unpackaged Source

Coming soon! NOTE: This will require the ability to deploy into a non-namespaced scratch org.

Snapshotting Pull Requests

The first available reusable workflow for snapshot management is also one of the most valuable because it's designed to be used on every commit to every feature branch!

D2X's 2GP Feature Test reusable workflow already provides a ton of useful functionality to automate package testing including:

  • Creating a new scratch org using the project's feature scratch org definition for CumulusCI
  • Creating a new 2GP Feature Test package version of the commit via CumulusCI's built-in build_feature_test_package flow
    • Uses a separate 2GP package with the same namespace created automatically in the DevHub
    • Works with both 1GP and 2GP packages!
    • Uses skipValidation to create package versions in seconds without requiring a build scratch org
    • Read more about this process in Muselab's blog post 3 Approaches to Pre-Release Testing for Salesforce ISVs.
  • Setting a GitHub Commit Status on the commit, annotating it with description containing the test package version's id, such as version_id: 04t...
  • Testing the new 2GP Feature Test package version in the build's feature scratch org via CumulusCI's built-in ci_feature_2gp flow
    • Install the 2GP Feature Test package version looked up from the commit status and dependencies using CumulusCI's built-in install_2gp_commit flow
    • Configure the package with CumulusCI's built-in config_managed flow
    • Run apex tests with CumulusCI's built-in run_tests including GitHub Job Summary reports for test executions
  • Delete the build's feature scratch org

That's a lot out of the box. Just enabling this one workflow in your repository is a huge step and an even bigger improvement in productivity and quality if you get it right.

So where do Scratch Org Snapshots fit into that workflow? With a default limit of 40 Active Snapshots and 40 Daily Snapshots for Enterprise Edition (matching your ActiveScratchOrg limit for both active and daily snapshots), efficient use of snapshots is important. You don't want to snapshot every commit or every branch or you'll likely hit your limits.

We've worked out what we believe is the ideal workflow for balancing limits and need:

  1. Build every feature branch commit, as before
  2. Use Pull Requests to control which branches get snapshots
  3. Maintain a snapshot of the HEAD commit on all branches with Pull Requests matching the criteria
  4. Use a common naming convention for snapshot names
  5. Set the build and commit information in the description field of each OrgSnapshot record
  6. Store the shapshot name as a GitHub Commit Status or Check on each commit with a snapshot


Assuming you already have CumulusCI configured for your project:

  1. Add the new ci_feature_2gp_pre_snapshot and ci_feature_2gp_post_snapshot flows to allow split execution in the D2X reusable workflow by adding the following to your cumulusci.yml file and adapting for any changes your project has made to ci_feature_2gp:
        description: Pre-snapshot steps for 2gp feature test builds
        group: Continuous Integration
                flow: install_2gp_commit
                flow: config_apextest_managed

        description: Post-snapshot steps for 2gp feature test builds
        group: Continuous Integration
                task: run_tests
  1. Configure the github_pull_request_snapshot task's default options in cumulusci.yml
            project_code: CI # Customize this!!!
            snapshot_pr: True
            snapshot_fail_pr: True
  1. Set up the necessary secrets for D2X per the Tutorial -> Secrets
  2. Add the labels snapshot and snapshot-failure to the repository
  3. Add the following file to your repository as .github/workflows/feature_2gp.yml
name: 2GP Feature Test and Snapshot
      - feature/**
      - main

    name: "Feature Test and Snapshot"
    uses: muselab-d2x/d2x/.github/workflows/feature-test-2gp-snapshot.yml@cumulusci-next
      create_pr_snapshot: true
      create_failure_snapshot: true
      environment_prefix: "Snapshot: "
      commit_status_context: Snapshot
      dev-hub-auth-url: "${{ secrets.DEV_HUB_AUTH_URL }}"
      gh-email: "${{ secrets.GH_EMAIL }}"
      github-token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"

If your project uses CumulusCI's dependencies, you'll want to change the last line to secrets.CCI_GITHUB_TOKEN.

  1. Commit to a branch like feature/d2x-snapshots and push to GitHub. The build should kick off under the Actions tab.
  2. Before the build gets to actually deploying anything, create a Pull Request on the branch and add the snapshot and snapshot-failure labels to test it out

In more detail Since building all branches with a Pull Request might also lead to a lot of snapshots, CumulusCI's new github_pull_request_snapshot task provides a set of options you configure in yourcumulusci.yml file:

NOTE: This task is currently only available in the d2x@cumulusci-next Docker image or on GitHub at

  • project_code: A 2-character uppercase code for the current project, used as a prefix on all snapshot names. Must be unique to the DevHub!
  • snapshot_pr: Manage snapshots for the HEAD commit on branches with a matching Pull Request Default: True
  • snapshot_pr_label: Only match branches with this label on the open Pull Request. Default: snapshot
  • snapshot_pr_draft: Also create snapshots for open draft Pull Requests. Default: False
  • snapshot_failure_pr: Manage snapshots for the latest unresolved build failure of branches with matching open Pull Request. Default: False
  • snapshot_failure_pr_label: Only match branches with this label on the open Pull Request for failure snapshot creation. Default: snapshot-failure
  • snapshot_failure_pr_draft: Also create failure snapshots for branches with an open matching Pull Request. Default: False
  • snapshot_failure_test_only: Only snapshot failures due to test failures. Useful to limit to only prepared orgs with test failures to recreate test failure state. Default: False

There are also a set of options designed to be passed via cci:

  • --wait [True|False]: If True, polls until the OrgSnapshot has completed and reports the results as one synchronous operation. When set to False, reports the InProgress snapshot info and outputs SNAPSHOT_ID=<Id> to GITHUB_OUTPUT if set, allowing future job steps to access the SNAPSHOT_ID to finalize the job with the --snapshot-id option. Default: True
  • --snapshot_id : Used for finalizing a snapshots created with --wait False to finalize the new snapshot later in the build
  • --build_success [True|False]: Was the build a success? Default: True
  • --build_fail_tests [True|False]: Did the build fail because of a test failure. Default: False
  • --snapshot-is-packaged [True|False]: Is the source org for the snapshot meant for unpackaged deploys or packaged installs? Default: False
  • --commit-status : If set, sets a GitHub Commit Status or Check with the value as the context and the snapshot name as the value.